Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Daze & Thankfulness

After feeling like I've been running around in circles for the last six weeks since coming back to Furman, I need remind myself [probably for the hundredth time in the last week] what I'm thankful for and what's awesome about being alive, and I thought I'd share.

1. Snow

[Because apparently in the South that translates to "We're all going to die; let's run to Publix and buy all the bread ever made ever." And it means that classes get cancelled, which means I have more time to procrastinate, which is always a plus.]

2. Creative Projects

[Flexing my creative muscles is incredibly liberating and therapeutic, which I've gotten to do a lot of thanks to Ash Rauls. I'm trying to get more into video so I can be more "well rounded" (now there's a phrase I haven't heard since high school), and it's a little daunting and a lot fantastic.]

3. Adventure

[Which usually starts out with a really good idea (like going to take pictures of beautiful waterfalls and tons of snow), but which usually means getting your car stuck in the snow and having 8 alpha males trying to help you out when they actually don't know what they're talking about.]

4. Books

[I've gotten to read some pretty fantastic things thus far this semester, thank goodness. I love them dearly, even though they're slowly taking over my room so that pretty soon I'll have nowhere to walk, sleep, or do anything (I really wish that was a joke).]

5. Community

This is probably most important thing on this list because living with nine rad people is pretty fantastic (and enlightening).

Cheers to more weeks of insane busy-ness, thousands of pages of reading [I really wish that was an exaggeration], and many humbling moments to remind myself that I can't do everything.

In the library, the best room in the house

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