Thursday, February 27, 2014

Exceptional Adults

Every year, Heller Service Corps hosts a dance for adults with disabilities from the Greenville area on or around Valentine's Day. This was the first year I've ever been able to go, and my friend (and life-saver) Madison Smith asked me to make a video of the dance. The entire event was fun and sweet: a perfect break from an exceptionally busy week at Furman. Here are some photos and the final video from the event.


And the video:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A New Venture: Video

As I alluded in my last blog post, I've been incredibly busy. Yes, I'm aware that it's a quintessentially Furman excuse and that everyone these days always seems to be "busy;" I don't say it some sort of mark of pride. I say it honestly with a little dash of shame because that means I keep making excuses not to go out and take photos, to keep postponing these photo projects I've had swirling around in my head for weeks. 

Part of this busy-ness, though, is because of some good, creative work that's been a delightful change of pace from reading about a thousand pages a week. I've had the pleasure of working with the one and only Ash Rauls, a singer-songwriter from Savannah, who I studied abroad with last semester. We've been working on recording oodles of videos (a creative and slightly daunting stretch for me), and will be shooting some photos later this semester for her new EP cover (which is much more under my umbrella of expertise). Here's the first of the series, which was posted in honor of Valentine's day yesterday. 


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Daze & Thankfulness

After feeling like I've been running around in circles for the last six weeks since coming back to Furman, I need remind myself [probably for the hundredth time in the last week] what I'm thankful for and what's awesome about being alive, and I thought I'd share.

1. Snow

[Because apparently in the South that translates to "We're all going to die; let's run to Publix and buy all the bread ever made ever." And it means that classes get cancelled, which means I have more time to procrastinate, which is always a plus.]

2. Creative Projects

[Flexing my creative muscles is incredibly liberating and therapeutic, which I've gotten to do a lot of thanks to Ash Rauls. I'm trying to get more into video so I can be more "well rounded" (now there's a phrase I haven't heard since high school), and it's a little daunting and a lot fantastic.]

3. Adventure

[Which usually starts out with a really good idea (like going to take pictures of beautiful waterfalls and tons of snow), but which usually means getting your car stuck in the snow and having 8 alpha males trying to help you out when they actually don't know what they're talking about.]

4. Books

[I've gotten to read some pretty fantastic things thus far this semester, thank goodness. I love them dearly, even though they're slowly taking over my room so that pretty soon I'll have nowhere to walk, sleep, or do anything (I really wish that was a joke).]

5. Community

This is probably most important thing on this list because living with nine rad people is pretty fantastic (and enlightening).

Cheers to more weeks of insane busy-ness, thousands of pages of reading [I really wish that was an exaggeration], and many humbling moments to remind myself that I can't do everything.

In the library, the best room in the house